Pawan Kalyan Upcoming Title Antharvahini , PSPK27
Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently engaged on a series of interesting films. one among them is Vakeel Saab, and another one is an untitled film under Krish's direction.Prior to the release of the film, the Range craze for the Krish-Pawan Kalyan combination was created in Tollywood. Fans are eagerly awaiting the title of the film team from the instant they know that the film are going to be a mixture of the two. Interest during this subject continues to grow day by day.
The names 'Bandit', 'Virupaksha', 'Gajadonga' and 'Om Shivam' were circulated within the Film Nagar community in this order. However, because of the shortage of response from the film crew, all the rumors had to be settled.

Recently another title has just get circulation. a similar ‘Antarvahini’. Sai Madhav Burra, the lyricist of the film, wrote some sentences about the tears under the headline "Antarvahini" and posted it on his Twitter account. Director Krish Ree tweeted a similar thing and wrote 'Antarvahini' and also the title 'PSPK27' is getting fixed by the fans. it'll be some days before we all know what title are going to be given to the current film which is able to be made as a period drama with a large budget. A.M. Keeravani is providing the music for the film which is being produced by Ratnam. Details of the heroine haven't yet been revealed.
@PawanKalyan à°—ాà°°ు, #PSPK27 పదిà°¹ేà°¨్à°°ోà°œుà°² à°·ూà°Ÿింà°—్ à°ª్à°°à°¤ిà°•్à°·à°£ం à°Ÿీం à°…ందరిà°•ీ à°—ొà°ª్à°ª à°œ్à°žాపకంà°²ా à°•à°¦ుà°²ుà°¤ుంà°¦ి..
— Krish Jagarlamudi (@DirKrish) September 2, 2020
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